miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

"Máquina de retratar"

now it´s different.
now it´s easier to get one
now kids see all in pictures
and the olds get use to the same
today she saw a thousand of them
tomorrow will be the same
pictures become more and more valuable
some people buy them for big quantities
the war ones are more expensive...
and belong to the enemy...
be carefull

my first own money
my first picture camera
my first trip
my first love
i grew up this way

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Balalaika and trapeze

The song that I like by The No Smoking Orchestra is "No other man", and it doesn´t have any lyrics, but it is a great melody that I will use to perform a trapeze show on November '08. Anyways, this song follows me inside my head for now on because this way it will become part of me and that will help to do the best I can in my performance.
This song makes me think of many things, when I listen to it I think of a clown, I also think of candy, of a funny thing, a sweet thing, but also a lazy thing, or a lazy person, or someone like a tramp. It is a perfect song for a trapeze show.

*painting by Kirsten Johnson


I posted this picture because the instrument´s name that the bird is playing is a Balalaika. The kind of music that is played with a balalaika is like the style of the No Smokig Orchestra. This bad is known because they composed and played music for many Kusturika movies.