miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008
It was more than a year sinceshe didnt see those things, or even remember them, she was easy to forget some smells, some pictures, some feelings. She also wanted to go into the see, swim a little bit, but they just put their feet into the water and sat on the beach for a long time. The weather wasnt good, besides she was pregnant, it was dangerous.
One day they went to visit a ghost town. It was very nostalgic. She thought it seemed a city to play because everything was small, the little theater, the swimming pool, even downtown was made for few people. The small hospital, the bank and all the places were small. The atmosphere was special, it was nice, but at the same time she felt weird it was like nothing she had seen before.
In the town of Pica, she looked for lemon ice-cream like crazy, but never found a place that would sell it. They had mango ice-cream, it was ok.
They visit La Tirana, nice town too where there is a very beautifull church with some little stars painted on the silling. very cute.
At last they traveled through the desert, another new experience for her.
They spent about 10 days. It was an amazing trip. The North of Chile is wanderfull, she thought, now I have to visit the South.
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

Anyhow, artist often see the world with eyes some other people dont.
For example: If I am stearing at a woman´s breast, believe me!, I am not thinking on sex nor anything of the kind. What my mind is thinkinking of, and this happens to most of my classmates, is of weight. My eyes follow the lines that construct the form of the human body and I draw lines in the air sketching movement. This fascinates me, believe me.
I think this is why I think I can understand Pollock, dripping more and more paint to canvas ion the floor, or Maggrite, questioning himself the concepts of representation, or even Andy Warhol, repiting popular pictures and making them art, and selling his image as an "modern artist", etc.
Art is a form of expression, and EVERY ONE express themselves in many ways, is just that some people express themselves and linke to make everybody know about it. I can not say I like this or that artist. My view of the contemporary art of our times is that it most be a one that conjugates politics and social sciences into it, and this because our societies are getting more individualistic making forget about our own race.
......this will follow.....
miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008
Banking crisis timeline (what was happening in Santiago, Chile)
Supermrkets started the "18th of September" Celebration sales. The meat was the first item that starts with the high prices, followed by the chicken. Some one roccomends me to watch the BBC news.
Saturday September 13
This weekend is the last one before the meat prices go up and up. People heard something about some crisis in the USA, but they are still thinking on buying a Paz Froimovich appartment.
Sunday September 14
Politics said that Chile won´t feel any reaction for the USA Bank crisis. Believe it or not.
Monday September 15
If you were selling cement for the building enterprise, you just lost at least 10 clients. Even though Santiago is becoming a city full of big buildings, does not means that is growing as a city. The demand of apparments is not as big as the quantity of appartments they are making.
The BBC or the bbc
Tuesday 16
Some people are paying attention to what happens to the USA, but most of us don´t understand. Do not worry, just call your friends to check if they are comming to the bbc.
Wednesday 17
Believe me, this crisis is all about "fake money", I mean, big quantities of money that only exist on the computers. In fact, right now I can send you $2000,000,000,000.......
Thursday 18 CARRETE!!!!!!!!!!!, CHI CHI CHI, LE LE LE, Viva Chile!!!!!!!
January 2009
Impossible to find a job. That crisis that began in Sept. 2008, now is showing Chile how vulnerable we are. Good luck for the 2009!