Anyhow, artist often see the world with eyes some other people dont.
For example: If I am stearing at a woman´s breast, believe me!, I am not thinking on sex nor anything of the kind. What my mind is thinkinking of, and this happens to most of my classmates, is of weight. My eyes follow the lines that construct the form of the human body and I draw lines in the air sketching movement. This fascinates me, believe me.
I think this is why I think I can understand Pollock, dripping more and more paint to canvas ion the floor, or Maggrite, questioning himself the concepts of representation, or even Andy Warhol, repiting popular pictures and making them art, and selling his image as an "modern artist", etc.
Art is a form of expression, and EVERY ONE express themselves in many ways, is just that some people express themselves and linke to make everybody know about it. I can not say I like this or that artist. My view of the contemporary art of our times is that it most be a one that conjugates politics and social sciences into it, and this because our societies are getting more individualistic making forget about our own race.
......this will follow.....
1 comentario:
yeaah we should integrate politics and science into art... but i don't think it will happen regularly
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