miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

¡vamos a brincar! (let´s jump)

Exactly. Why this guy Ken Robinson, in a big conference, can do his speach and joke at the same time, making it more entretaining?... And at the same time, at University and school they teach us to be so formal, not to play with serious things, etc. . One can be a genious at one´s interests, and make jokes at the same time. Speaches dont have to use those words that we do not understand, wich is usually what people like to do to appear more intelligent. I think there is no need to do so.

When I turned 20, I asked myself. How many things that I learned in primary school am I using now?. How many things I understand just now, and how many things I still do not understand?. Schools do not want the students to get together and work as a team. They separate us and make children work by themselves.

In terms of creativity, what can I say. Teachers and parents are the first who turn off the creativity of a child. Television is the number one to do so, and few people do something to change it. It is sad when I see a frind of mine, who studied to be a teacher, and calls donkey to a little boy... Or teachers who, thinking they are helping their children, they do all the job or give them the easyest way to solve the problems.
I say, "my daughter is not a highly gifted, but almost". And it is not because I am the mom, it is just that she impresses me by doing things I never thought she would do, and by learning and remember things in a very special way. I think all the children have the means to grow up and become great proffesionals in any area, but the adults have to understand and learn how to help the boys and girls to do it.
I must say Mr. Ken inspired me to work with kids and promote (promove) the creativity since children.

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